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Saturday, April 21, 2007

CAC Teams: A New Day

This team won the "Best Written" award and consists of Robert (Spyke) Krepshaw, Jared Kishbaugh, Bianca Pichardo, Jason Kojteck and Matt Milgram.

The solution was:

A New Day proposes to develop a two-phased training program with the third-phased in mind. Our two-phased training solution will train PDFRS’ security personnel to quickly identify and respond to potential acts of terror. The two phases will consist of a traditional E-learning environment for Phase 1 and a 3-D multi-learner online learning environment for Phase 2. Phase 1 will incorporate a role-playing style engine referred to as, Choose-Your-Own-Path (CYOP). This engine will promote active learning by engaging learners to make key decisions in order to progress through the training.

Phase 2 will incorporate an open source gaming engine (licensed to A New Day) for the 3-D online learning experience, as opposed to commonly used 3-D online environments such as Second Life. This approach will eliminate problems associated with Second Life, such as hacking and griefing, and additionally provide improved graphics and controls.

For the first phase of the Security Awareness Training program, A New Day will create six modules of training using our CYOP engine (developed in Flash and XML, allowing for flexibility and customization). Each learner is required to spend one hour in each module according to PDFRS. However, A New Day will not incorporate a time limit. Instead we will provide additional practice sessions for those who need more instruction. An avatar will serve as a guide to coach the learner through the content of each module. CYOP encourages interactivity and the transfer of knowledge to on-thejob experiences by mimicking real-world encounters.

During Phase 2, A New Day will use an open source gaming engine (Quake III) to create a 3-D multi-learner online learning environment. Learners will be able to interact with their peers and trainers from PDFRS in real time throughout each lesson. The 3-D environment will closely represent the real-world work environment, allowing the learners to effectively identify potential problems and respond to them accordingly.


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