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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Summer Reading List 2008

Ok, I know this is a little late but I have actually been away on vacation using Blogger's advanced posting function for the past two weeks. It is great for vacation by the way.

Any way here are some interesting books for summer reading. They are not all training related and I am sure you've heard of them but they are some of the more interesting books I've read about the changing Internet and overall technology climate.

The first, Tom Peter's book--Re-Imagine--has a great, magazine-style layout (consider adapting a similar layout for your training materials) and, although it was published in 2003 it is as relevant today as it was in 2003. Because of its unique layout, you don't need to read cover to cover, good to causally pick up from time to time.

Next check out Wikinomics. I discovered this book when a friend of mine sent it to me. I was really intriqued about the "Platform" concept. Traditional business book layout but if you have any interested at all in Web 2.0 and how it is impacting training, business and society...then this is the book for you.

If you have time for a third book, check out Inside the Tornado. This book is old and the references to specific companies date some of the content but...the ideas, approach and insights are worth the historical references. Moore deftly explains how to move a technology into the main stream. In the book he references some material originally written by Everett Rogers in his book Diffusion of Innovations (which should also be on your reading list).

One book that compliments Wikinomics and Inside the Tornado is The Long Tail which describes a new economic process involving a sale of a few things but all the time. An interesting contrast to the blockbuster mentality of many organizations. This is a well-known book that you probably have been meaning to read but haven't gotten around to is the time.

Finally, a book that provides a unique look into virtual worlds and paints a broad picture of how they will impact society is Synthetic Worlds by Edward Castronova. He approaches virtual worlds from the aspect of an economist which provides a unique perspective.

Happy reading, see you on the beach...

The cool thing is that many of these books are on the Kindle...although still waiting for them to get Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning. I use my Kindle all the time and love the fact that I can pack a bunch of books in it. The only thing I don't love is that on an airplane during take off and landing I can't read my Kindle since it is an electronic device. So on trips I end up carrying a Kindle and one paper-based book so I can read during all the flight. A slight bummer.

If you are into gadgets and like books, I think you are obligated to check out the Kindle, I've taken mine with me on vacation and loved it. I really the ability to make the font size bigger. So when my eyes get tired, I change the font and keep reading.

If none of these books do it for you, check out Last summer's reading list. You might find something interesting there...less of a business focus.

Catalog of Recommended Books, Games and Gadgets
Recommended Games and Gadgets
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Jane Bozarth said...

I also recommend Heath & Heath's "Made to Stick" for anyone interested in the transfer of training.

And of course anything by Jane Bozarth... :-) ... or Karl Kapp.

Karl Kapp said...


Thanks for the recommendations and a reminder !!!