So, last night I got to watch the CSI New York show which combined the television episode with some action in Second Life. Two of my favorite things so it was fun to see how the wove the two together. Although, I've never seen SL graphics so crisp and clear.
Anyway, a great combination of media, televison and a metaverse. Taken one step further, you will soon be able to "star" in your own Second Life CSI. Check out the show's web site featuring Second Life adventures like Find Venus.
As an added bonus: CBS and CISCO created great and simple tutorials for Second Life all done by avatars. Check out the CBS/CISCO Second Life Tutorials.
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The Office just referenced Second Life!
I do not watch CSI, but I am an avid fan of The Office and also noticed the integration of Second Life into this week’s episode as the previous comment mentioned.
A lot of early adopters of the Second Life have recently closed their virtual doors (American Apparel, Starwood Hotels, to name a few), so I’m happy to see that not everyone is giving up on Second Life because of its great potential.
What’s important to remember about Second Life is it requires innovative thinking to make it work. You cannot expect people to stumble upon your Second Life location by chance and even if they do, you need to give them a reason to want to stay.
After seeing The Office tonight, I jumped on Second Life to see what was there. I found the Dunder Mifflin group and joined. Then I received a group notice that there was an after-party for tonight’s episode taking place, which I teleported to. When I arrived I realized I was standing outside of the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch. Even more importantly I realized I was not alone. There were 15-20 other Office fans there when I arrived and they continued to drop in and discuss the show during my stay.
I’m not sure how what was going to be a short comment has turned into a mini essay. I am just so excited to see one of my favorite shows embracing the new medium known as Second Life as a way to further connect and interact with their fans.
Heather, very cool, I'll have to check it out.Thanks.
I think that Second life is here to stay. It's just going to take people a while to figure out how to use it and what to use it for.
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