Also, we've had Rupa from Writer's Gateway join the tour with her posting Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning-My Thoughts on Chapter 1.
Check out all the stops below and add your own comments and insights. Join in the conversation!
Week One
Day One: 09/10/07 - A podcast interview with Brent Schlenker. Please stop by and have a listen. The first part of the podcast discusses Brent's impression of Apple's business model and the iPhone and then the interview begins.
Day Two: 09/11/07 - Tom King's Mobilemind and his post Cheat This Book-Gadgets, Games and Gizmos.
Day Three: 09/12/07 - Cammy's Bean's Learning Visions with her posting Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning. And Rupa's posting on Writer's Gateway called Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning-My Thoughts on Chapter 1.
Day Four: 09/13/07 - Tony O’ Driscoll's Learning Matters
Day Five: 09/14/07 - Phil Charron's Learning Simulations
Week Two
Day Six: 09/17/07 - Enspire Learning's Corporate Blog
Day Seven: 09/18/07 -Mark Oehlert's e-clippings(Learning as Art)
Day Eight: 09/19/07 - Mike Qaissaunee's Frequently Asked Q
Day Nine: 09/20/07 - Jane Bozarath's Bozarathzone
Day Ten: 09/21/07 - Brent Schlenker's Corporate eLearning Strategies and Development
Week Three
Day Eleven: 09/24/07 - Ben Hamilton's Learning Design and Performance Improvement
Day Twelve: 09/25/07 - Christy Tucker's Experiencing E-Learning
Day Thirteen: 09/26/07 - Gordon Snyder's Information and Communications Technology Blog
Day Fourteen: 09/27/07 - Shalin Hai-Jew's IDOS Blog
Day Fifteen: 09/28/07 - Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning Interview with Kevin Kruse.
If you are enjoying the discussion, consider picking up a copy of Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning
Recommended Games and Gadgets
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Thank you Professor Karl for including me in the blog book tour.
Hi Dr. Kapp,
This is a very cool idea, I have never heard of a virtual book tour. Tony O'Driscoll I remember from Second Life class. Interesting reading!
Jen Cerreta
Dr Kapp,
Very interesting site with many links to many different perspectives of basically what i can describe as many differnt aspects and scenarios of IT.
Looking at mobile minds and the Wii + Second Life in more of a real life simulator for instance medical field e.t.c. I am not to convinced if we are there yet. I know that the Wii is very popular but i can remember being at home over the Christmas period when the actual Christmas tree lights were reacting to the Wii console. If this is the case is it right to try and combine both to more real life situational settings?
A blog books tour not only screams "Web 2.0" it also saves one time and shoe leather. This was a great idea. Thanks.
One stop area for attaining information on Gadgets, Gizmos to Web 2.0. Some real real great ideas to get information for real world technology and whats coming up ahead.
Thanks Dr. Kapp for having a grt resource like this.
Although I haven't read the book yet, reading these reviews gave me a better insight to what the book is all about. Plus, I want to read the book even more after reading the great things everyone is saying about it! I espcially enjoyed "Cammy Beans" report on the book!
-Melanie Campbell
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