Today is the beginning of a 14 stop blog book tour. Below are the tour dates and "stop" locations. During the Blog Book tour, I will be not be posting on Kapp Notes, instead, I will be posting on the the blogs which are listed below. The tour will last three weeks and promises to be a lot of fun.
During the tour, the participating blogs will post interviews, stories, reactions, insights, related stories and even reviews of Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning.
Enjoy all the postings and you can even read the first chapter for yourself. Read it and enter into the conversation or, if you just have an opinion or thought on the topic go ahead and add a comment...have fun following the tour.
Please enjoy the tour, the idea is to build a great discussion around the concepts in the book. In addition, to the listing of the tour dates below...you can also see a listing of book tour dates and blog locations by going to Booktour.com. If you are into books, it's a great site to track authors. Check it out.
Week One
Day One: 09/10/07 - A podcast interview with Brent Schlenker. Please stop by and have a listen. The first part of the podcast discusses Brent's impression of Apple's business model and the iPhone and then the interview begins. (look for a possible suprise guest appearance on another blog later today)
Day Two: 09/11/07 - Tom King's Mobilemind
Day Three: 09/12/07 - Cammy's Bean's Learning Visions
Day Four: 09/13/07 - Tony O’ Driscoll's Learning Matters
Day Five: 09/14/07 - Phil Charron's Learning Simulations
Week Two
Day Six: 09/17/07 - Enspire Learning's Corporate Blog
Day Seven: 09/18/07 -Mark Oehlert's e-clippings(Learning as Art)
Day Eight: 09/19/07 - Mike Qaissaunee's Frequently Asked Q
Day Nine: 09/20/07 - Jane Bozarath's Bozarathzone
Day Ten: 09/21/07 - Brent Schlenker's Corporate eLearning Strategies and Development
Week Three
Day Eleven: 09/24/07 - Ben Hamilton's Learning Design and Performance Improvement
Day Twelve: 09/25/07 - Christy Tucker's Experiencing E-Learning
Day Thirteen: 09/26/07 - Gordon Snyder's Information and Communications Technology Blog
Day Fourteen: 09/27/07 - Shalin Hai-Jew's IDOS Blog
Day Fifteen: 09/28/07 - Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning Interview with Kevin Kruse.
If you are enjoying the discussion, consider picking up a copy of Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning
Whether you want to get a Bachelor degree or you have a more longterm goal for a degree then keep in mind that you may be able to get an online MBA in whatever career you're interested in. There are many online universities out there that offer a wide variety of online degree programs to choose from.
Recommended Games and Gadgets
Recommended Books
Content Guide
Karl, I truly enjoyed our conversation. The podcast took longer than I thought it would to put together and so I'm going to be streamlining the process. But hey, its all about learning. You all should learn from my mistakes ;-)
I'm really looking forward to continuing our conversation about the book. I'm still waiting for comments on the podcast. I'll be sure to make this week's much shorter.
Oh the book tour! Killer idea. I love just reading your list. There are so many bloggers in it that are new too me. Should keep me busy for quite some time.
Brent, Enjoyed both our recorded and non-recorded discussions. I look forward to it next week as well. The tour is a lot of fun so far. Today (Sept 11) we are at Tom King's Mobilemind where is has written a great list of book "cheat codes" and outlined a pretty good strategy for reading the book. Gave me a chuckle this morning.
Dr. Kapp,
Over the summer, I took a class with Dr. Kapp utilizing Second Life and Photosphere virtual reality. One of the prerequisites for the class was reading the book, Games, Gadgets and Gizmos. I must confess that at first my thought was…This is just about video games and dressing up an avatar! I need information that I can apply to the real world of instructional design! Boy…was I incorrect in my assumptions!
After reading the book and taking the class, I had a paradigm shift in my thinking. Also, I experienced this environment through my grand children’s eyes.
I was not really aware of the current situation with the baby boomers and the employment situation that this country is facing. Also, I never looked at virtual reality, and how it could be used as a learning environment. I was amazed when exposing my grand children to Second Life…how comfortable they were with the environment. Currently, I have exposed them to Starry Night Museum, Space Museum and more.
In Starry night, I was amazed how quickly they learned the names of the paintings and history about Van Gosh.
I have to admit…After reading the book…I have a new outlook on the next generation and new ways to learn information.
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