So, I start paging through to see who I know and recognize. I see many familiar faces, Christy Tucker, Lisa Neal, Cammy Bean, Jane Bozarth, Cathy Moore, Janet Clarey, Vicki Davis, as well as a number of new blogs I will be checking out and then...the shocker as I came upon this page...
Now, sure, I am honored to be on the list with so many distinguished female bloggers many of whom I read regularly...but really I don't deserve to be on the really...this isn't false modesty...I am a male. I have XY chromosomes, I think that disqualifies me from the top female category for anything.
So, Zaid...thanks, er I guess.
Anyway, check out the great list by Zaid, he always puts together great visuals and fun lists.
I told my wife and two boys about being on the list and they laughed. And then as my younger son was leaving for school he says "Bye Mom" to my wife and then turns to me as says "Bye Mom."...very funny.
***Actually, I think Zaid was really just trying to acknowledge my comments on Janet Clarey's blog, On Growing Facial Hair (which I have) about the topic of lists and female edubloggers and I am pretty confident he does not think I am a she.
Good amusement for a Friday...Thanks Zaid!!!
This will make a great opening story sometime...
Anyway, welcome to the club I guess. Now you can bitch about being the only guy on the list ; )
Janet-Right and right:)
Dear Karl Kapp,
What a great story! And in the end you got it right! At least partially!
If it was a Google puzzle interview you would pass (and get the job), but you would not get full marks.
Besides showing appreciation for your constructive (and entertaining) contribution to that discussion (only male besides me that participated, until...), your blog (knowledge, experiences & stories) is something I believe we shouldn't miss out on (also I did not include any males with your kind of expertise in the previous list). As I was kicking myself for not including you in the first list, I just had to add you at least in this list :)
I suppose you will get more attention in this one, so I hope your great sense of humor will appreciate that :)
I always try to include additional thinking or talking points besides the main issues in my presentations. These surprise elements are useful to stimulate (or awaken) our sometimes boring learning environments :)
Though, if you think about it, you were not the only male on that list. If you look closely, you will note that Obama, Shaq, Spaceman, a boy, a monkey, a frog, Yoda (not sure if the last three are males, though)...also made that list (if we creatively think out of the list) :)
Anyway, I hope you don't mind the special mention :)
Have a great learning week :)
Warm Regards,
All in good fun! Thanks for including me on any list:) And to be included with such a distinguished list of female bloggers...I can't think of any better company.
I am only sorry I didn't get full marks for the Google puzzle.
Being included with such notable males was good too, I think the Monkey is a male as for the frog and Yoda? Don't know.
Keep up the great work and the fun lists.
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