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Monday, April 14, 2008

Understanding the Generations

A while ago (I am so far behind in "posts I want to make"), Colleen asked me if I had any references or anything about the differences in generations in the workplace so I wanted to provide her with some references and then thought I would share with everyone they are.

Of course the first book I would recommend is "Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning" but that really just has the first chapter concentrated on the gap between boomers and the net generation (gamers).

In terms of discussing four generations in the workplace, I have found some interesting books on the topic from a variety of disciplines and approaches.

I find this one article Mixing and Managing Four Generations of Employees in the Fairleigh Dickinson University Magazine to be a good read and a good overview of the issue.

This article Retaining the Four Generations in the Workplace which is not too deep but a nice overview, works well with the FDU article mentioned above.

Forbes Magazine has a good article titled When the Old and Young Collide at Work.

This article, Four Generations Working Together contains a broad definition of each generation by year.

In terms of books, check out:


Catalog of Recommended Books, Games and Gadgets
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1 comment:

edayis said...

After Scott Blair spoke to our RPF class a few weeks ago, and mentioned this fact that the decsision makers large companies are still for the most part, in the Boomer generation, I've though about how actual work situations may play out. Mr. Blair commented that we may find ourselves "dummying down" the way we deliver course materials and trainings to cater to not just the technological capabilities of some of the key players in organization, but also to their aesthetic preferences.

We all know that technology progresses at an exponential rate, so how does that correlate with human time? If most of society is still just getting used to the internet, what is the place for newer programs? Will "human time" speed up to catch up with technological advancements?