In this game, you have to deal with the issues of financing (get a bank loan or bootstrap your business). You get to run marketing campaigns (even design the ads) and deal with issues of supply and demand.
The game, is over at the Disney site and is called Hot Shot Business.
You can choose to run one of several businesses, of course my favorite is the comic book shop.
You then need to decide what to sell and how much to charge. Then after a certain number of virtual "weeks" you get an update on your progress and coaching form two simulated characters...who don't always give you the same advice.
The game is created in a cartoonish environment but is really effective at conveying the basic fundamentals of running a business. My kids, 12 and 9 play it frequently and enjoy the challenge.
The interface is simple and easy to learn and the educational aspects are woven into the game pretty seamlessly. Check it out and become a hot shot business women or man today.
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Wow, I may need to play this game in depth. Great post, Karl.
I remember the old days of "Lemonade Stand." I used to teach computer workshops for school district teachers and if I found there were any economics teachers in the room, I'd pull it up and they'd go crazy. Kids loved it too!
Thanks also for guest blogging for my class Karl. It's probably the most engaged in the content my GenY gamers students have been.
Lemonade Stand was a great game. Lots of fun and great lessons.
In terms of blogging for you class, thanks for the opportunity. I really enjoyed blogging with your class, they really thought about the chapter and added some great insights.
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